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Alison Wonderland shared the results of raising money to support Australia

The Hype around bushfires in Australia on social media is over, but the true crisis only began!

Millions of animals have lost their homes, some are badly injured by the fires and others lost their families, waiting for them all alone in the ashes! Animals and people still need our help. 

A lot of DJs joined to raise money through shows and merch sales. We have already posted about the Australian DJ and producer Alison Wonderland. She decided to donate 100 per cent for all of January from her store towards helping the NSW and VIC rural fire services. 

Today she shared the result and it is awesome!

"this is fu*ing insane. massive thank you to everyone who bought merch during January to help raise money for the firefighters & animals of Australia. I am SOOOOO proud of us as a community. Look how much we raised!!!!! Climate change is real. We HAVE to make changes to help our home planet. I love you all SO much. Shirts are on the way to u soon. LOOK WHAT WE DID!!!!!", Alison shared her emotions via IG.

Thanks to everyone who is involved in this!

Photo credits by @simplyyyg